Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hold onta yer hats, Ladies & Germs cause here is:
De Zero Tolerance Ecology Radical Chic(lets) De Semper Twelfth Too Tao Sound und Twelfeth Deckler Nonzen Animation:
We, de tiniest bits of Conshishness in de Youniverse declare that it is in here ant an' termite in Our Rites dat: Everything & Everybody should be put in a steel riveted Titanium (pinewood, aluminium foil or toilet forwud/slash paper towels will do if titanium ain't abailable) Coffin & berried in de olde cellar Coal Bin, Dust Bin, Osama Bin, Cistern (I prefer the olde spellig, Cystern, like in dat famus Willem Woodsworm poem Cystern Abby Road) or just an olde whole in de growne. (A Coal Pit Mime or Jerry Quarry will do just fine. Clay or Ali, but Larry Holmes, Dr. Watson finely admits dat hiz now gud bud Gerry Cooney nearly kixed hiz butt. Frack it, ma man!). As a freud of mime sed jus yestaday az he took off hiz jung mask: "Dat sucka was actin' like an aminal, so I kixed him in his convict shins."
Just kiddin'. Huh? T'ink so? Well, said de Driller: "I stand up for all Creaturehoods. It's the nature of me beast. Just yesterday I beet dis guy up for boilin some poor old broccoli. What a bunch of Borschtit! Stuff was already turnin' yellow. Disgustin'."
No walkin' on de ground- fuhget about ants, cause yah step on poor little atoms & squash dem two! We shud be Pro-Tonic & Quinine & Seltzer & Uradicate everything & nuthin', even New-trons or Old-trons, even Disney Trons. Czarists who play "Stairway to Heaven" badly or anyzway. Harpists, Tubists, Cubists, Proto-Neanderthalists, Neo-Darwinists, Rad Creationists, Accordian & Uillean Bagpiper trainees & Bodhran (it's pronownced Bow-Ran, yah idjet.) Drum Wannabeez (T'ink of annee udders? Gotta be phunnee. Add 'n commenz at de end, plz.). Nihilists go foist. Den de Anarchists.
Sorry yu fewk up guys, but Nihilists get 1st pik by default. Den dah Dentists get ta drill rite up de noivess channel if'n dey don cummit sue-his-hide foist. Afta dat of curse, we do the Banka's, de Politishins, de Lawyuhs, de Dicktaters, de TV Ankorpersons, all de lousy Docturs who skrewed ye up & den the Talk Show Hoists. Any olde Nuns who are still breathin' who uzed de metal edged 18" yardstick on me next. Mark Zuckerberg gets thrown to de IPO masses face foist & dressed up like Joan of Arc or the last Grand Master of de Nights Temple, Jack De Mowlay.
All de Lizard Bludd Alien Conspiratorial IllumiNazi Zombie Ridiculously Rich Rulers get 5 seconds to Morph B4 cremeation. Okay, 3 seconds. Maybe the Pope & the Buddhists who are crybabies anyways like the Quakers, or polymorphic like de Mormans. We shud let Moslems & Vikings cut dere own heds off if dey want, or we cud blow em up on a burning pyre wit de native Americans & Neo-Pagons. Hindooz shud be given a chance to drown in the sacred rivah Gangjeez.
Den I wuz t'inkin' maybe we shud let de Roamin' Catliks have a go in the arena wid de Prods. But I don wanna effendi anyun by leibin dem out. I wanna make sure dat evereebuddy iz effended equallee. Dats we're my reeders come in. Gimmee who I left out. Proddastand & Apeathist Ziontists shud be made to buy their own stuff & eat their genetically altered products be4 dey get the getgo. Badd Spellars get extra bonersusses.
I personilly got it in fer de guys who made the old Doublemint Chewing Gum commershuls. Fur a billion ears my soul will still see dere uglee, banal subway ads & here dere obnoxshuss twiddle jingleshite. Twin Burnings at de stake fer dem. I garantee dat. Well, okay, dats a lil anger management problum, I suppose. I can pass on dat. Sorry.
I wuz t'inkin' we shud go afta de Surrealists, but dere alreddy ded, like de Commies who hab tranzfermed inta Radical, Kriminal Kapitalist Pigs.(KGB: Kapitalist Geocriminal Basturds) And dem Soshulists! Don't even shoot dem, jus' let em root. Now yah can't bury de right wing or de left wing only, cause de poor old eagle won't be able to fly, sose we gotta burry de hole boid. Yikes. I lubs de pretty tweets of de boids & de flours smell. Oyl Well!
Und de Republikrats & Demopublicanz get to play Monopoly to see who goes foist. No passin' but go directly to zappoland. Afta dat we drop the Libberalls on top uv de Libraryatarians & let dem duke it out. No matta who wins, dey both get the zap. Then, Bang! Zoom! Boom! No more problema's.
And dem Rice Paddy's, dose Irish Vegetarians shud be all transported to de saltit mines of Silicon Valley. I wuz t'inkin' maybe we shud let de stinkin' cummedians live up until de end, but I'm waverin' on dat. I'm gonna be up all nite t'inkin' about all the personhoods & creaturehoods I left out. I wuz also t'inkin about Elimmunation Trials.
Ya know: USA vs Russia. LA vs NYC. Boston vs de NY Yankees( to be kind we'll let Boston get 1st licks). China vs Japan. Germany vs France. Ireland vs Ireland. Korea vs Korea. Africa vs Monsanto. South America vs Miami. Israel vs Palestine. Iraq & Iran. India & Pakistan. Mexico vs Canada. Iceland vs Greenland. Microsoft vs Apple. GM vs Honda. Coca Cola vs Pepsi. MickeyDee vs Bugger Queen. Toyota vs Hundai. Subaru vs Subaru.
It jus goz on & on. I'm gettin' fired up jus t'inkin' uv de pozzabilitees. Scotland vs England. If Scotland loses den England vs Wales & Scotland goes to de end of de line. If England loses dey get 2 play China.(Don't ask, I know, what if Japan beats China? We'll work it out.). If Wales loses, den dey gets to fite de Isle of Mann wit dere hands tied behind dere backs to keep England & if England wins it gets to fite the Fewkand Islands & Isabel Peron(okay we'll let Argentina stand in for her) & if de forma wins, its England vs Everybody. Is dat fair? I don't care, I'm Irish. It's called revenge. better watch out, cause I may be predjudiced & let the Irish survive to rule the hirsute empty planet.
But of course, dats if dere's anybuddy left. Omigud? Cud ole Mudder England be de last land standin'? Anybuddy out dere can gib me sum hep wit sum more? You know youse gots tons uv dem buzzin' in yer heds. Rite? C'mon now, yah noz yah kan do it. Whaddya say?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thoughts on the Volunteer Military
History shows that everytime Peace came to a nation/civilization (Golden Age of Ireland when the fierce Irish put away their swords & stopped their piracy & raiding & took up Druidic Christianity) or an Empire (Pax Romana) that as soon as they became complacent, the have-nots from somewhere else or within invaded & destroyed them(a bit simplistic for Rome, but you get the drift). Volunteer or Privately funded armies of the Etruscans & their holding on to a simplistic pessimistic spiritual system led the Romans to trample that great culture. Warfare has been the terrestial major sport at least for the last 7000 yrs if we can believe what Plato said the Egyptians told Solon.
So does the world have to be turned into a United States where the only warfare is peaceful, regulated, economic competition & styles/fads? Where each 'state' controls its own resources & exchanges fairly for what they need from other states? Where Global Sports are the new battlefield? Perhaps? I'm just thinking in terms of the long run. How do you eliminate wars & warlords? The money saved from Military expenditure cud then be used to balance out inequities.There's going to be a New World Order whether we like it or not. How that new World Order is set up depends on us. Will the military be just flipped over to a Police state? There are several possibilities & a power struggle for each version. How do we create a New Global World Situation where warfare between Humans & Nature, The Sexes, Races, & Ethnicities can be channeled into a more peaceful & productive way of living for our whole Earth?
There are people & groups who are working on this as I write. I'm hoping that the 3 steps forward, 1-2 steps back progress can turn into just 1 step forward & no steps back. We all on a global consciousness level have designed our Reality on this planet. Our Mindsets & Belief Systems control the outcomes. We need to continue to support those who are mentally, physically, spiritually & emotionally are thinking, believing & projecting that this Earth experiment blossom into something we cannot even conceive of how wonderful. If the peaceful explosion of technology is a physical foreboding of what will happen on the Mental, Emotional & Spiritual levels we have nothing to fear. We all must do our part. Action is the Western way. We cannot sit & be complacent in our caves assuming this will happen as parts of the Orient have done for ages.
Look at India, with all its diverse tribes, religions & groups, a 'backward' spiritual nation now awakening at the forefront of technology & science. Perhaps what goes on there will mirror how the whole planet will behave. Or will it be the new experimental China controlled by a 'Agnostic/Atheistic' elite who will realize their own 'spirituality' & that the future of the world may depend on how they behave. Or will America with its daily growing diversity & the conflicts arising from that be the forerunner? Will the worlds most amazing experiment(in 7000 yrs), our Democratic-Republic live up to its own Dream? The American Dream, our version of the Pax Romana?
Amazing things are happening in our world. We must Think & Feel & Project that the best will happen because if not the doomsayers will get what they want, each thinking that their 'enemy scum' will be wiped out & they, the righteous of whatever persuasion will have a paradise to themselves. Even if you are an Atheist you must reconize that Quantum physics has proven that the attitude & belief of the experimenter on the outcome of their research has an effect on what they perceive as the end result. This translates to our everyday world. This makes our Minds more than just Brain machines. It basically says we have a Consciousness inhabiting a construct of Mother Nature called a body. If we blew up the nucleas of a hydrogen atom to the size of a pea, the space between its orbiting electron wud be six football fileds cubed. So thats alot of space. Our reality is a Construct we have all agreed upon. An Illusion of sorts, but a Definitive Valid Illusion.
On the most simplistic level you every once in awhile close your eyes & see yourself in some future time enjoying yourself doing what you like, say snorkeling in Mauii & the World is wonderful & at peace. Their are groups who meet & do definitive creative visualization of the future. There are factions in the govt & industry who realize this & hope to use it to their ends. The destruction/implosion of Bldg. 7(which housed the nerve centers of the NYPD, CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, AI, etc.) of the WTC under cover of a left alone 'Islamic' Terrorist attack while they stole billions of gold bullion & destroyed their records in the 911 attack. There are Govt agencies who fight wars on the so-called Astral Plane & some conspiratorationalists say there is a Space War going on right now & that Chemtrails are to cover it up, not prevent Global Warming. Who knows what to believe with all the Info pumped at us via the WWW?
However we can still see each of as individuals or families or partners being in a wonderful future environment in our Minds Eye. This is a Free Will Universe no matter your beliefs. The Future cannot be predicted only guessed at because of the natural Spontaneity built into Free Will. If it wasn't there the Universe would stagnate & Entrophy wud take effect. They now know that the Universe is in constant expansion & will not reach a point where it will contract. Too many new 'souls' or stars coming into being. So be Loving. Be Joyful. Be Creative. Be Forgiving. And most of all be thankful that you are an eternal indivisible part of a greater whole, the eyes & ears in our dense dimension of a Benevolent Beingness beyond our wildest Imagination.
Jane Roberts the 20th c. Poet & Novelist who channeled her 'Personality Essence' called 'Seth' had along w/her husband Robert Butts written a dozen or more books (& was probably more responsible than anyone for kickstarting the whole 'New Age' movement & its offshoots) about what this part of her consciousness related. Many Physicists attended her classes to ask Seth questions which later on in Labs were proven. Seth said that "We live in a Safe Universe.", "We Create our own Reality", "The Present is the Point of Power.", "Time is Simultaneous, not Linear, so we can change the Future & the Past but only from the Point of the Expansive Present." among bookloads of other stuff. Seth said he did not want to start a "Cult" or be regarded as any kind of Messiah, as though no longer embodied he was equal to us & we all to the tiniest particle wave of consciousness. He just wanted to help along a change in our consciousness to help us thru what was coming. His only prediction in all the books was that our planet would not be destroyed & that the 21st c. would show constant improvement if we wished & that by 2075 we would have a amazing planet beyond our wildest dreams. My favorite quote is his response to someone concerning a quote above: "I said "We live in a Safe Universe". I didn't say it was Perfect."
So does the world have to be turned into a United States where the only warfare is peaceful, regulated, economic competition & styles/fads? Where each 'state' controls its own resources & exchanges fairly for what they need from other states? Where Global Sports are the new battlefield? Perhaps? I'm just thinking in terms of the long run. How do you eliminate wars & warlords? The money saved from Military expenditure cud then be used to balance out inequities.There's going to be a New World Order whether we like it or not. How that new World Order is set up depends on us. Will the military be just flipped over to a Police state? There are several possibilities & a power struggle for each version. How do we create a New Global World Situation where warfare between Humans & Nature, The Sexes, Races, & Ethnicities can be channeled into a more peaceful & productive way of living for our whole Earth?
There are people & groups who are working on this as I write. I'm hoping that the 3 steps forward, 1-2 steps back progress can turn into just 1 step forward & no steps back. We all on a global consciousness level have designed our Reality on this planet. Our Mindsets & Belief Systems control the outcomes. We need to continue to support those who are mentally, physically, spiritually & emotionally are thinking, believing & projecting that this Earth experiment blossom into something we cannot even conceive of how wonderful. If the peaceful explosion of technology is a physical foreboding of what will happen on the Mental, Emotional & Spiritual levels we have nothing to fear. We all must do our part. Action is the Western way. We cannot sit & be complacent in our caves assuming this will happen as parts of the Orient have done for ages.
Look at India, with all its diverse tribes, religions & groups, a 'backward' spiritual nation now awakening at the forefront of technology & science. Perhaps what goes on there will mirror how the whole planet will behave. Or will it be the new experimental China controlled by a 'Agnostic/Atheistic' elite who will realize their own 'spirituality' & that the future of the world may depend on how they behave. Or will America with its daily growing diversity & the conflicts arising from that be the forerunner? Will the worlds most amazing experiment(in 7000 yrs), our Democratic-Republic live up to its own Dream? The American Dream, our version of the Pax Romana?
Amazing things are happening in our world. We must Think & Feel & Project that the best will happen because if not the doomsayers will get what they want, each thinking that their 'enemy scum' will be wiped out & they, the righteous of whatever persuasion will have a paradise to themselves. Even if you are an Atheist you must reconize that Quantum physics has proven that the attitude & belief of the experimenter on the outcome of their research has an effect on what they perceive as the end result. This translates to our everyday world. This makes our Minds more than just Brain machines. It basically says we have a Consciousness inhabiting a construct of Mother Nature called a body. If we blew up the nucleas of a hydrogen atom to the size of a pea, the space between its orbiting electron wud be six football fileds cubed. So thats alot of space. Our reality is a Construct we have all agreed upon. An Illusion of sorts, but a Definitive Valid Illusion.
On the most simplistic level you every once in awhile close your eyes & see yourself in some future time enjoying yourself doing what you like, say snorkeling in Mauii & the World is wonderful & at peace. Their are groups who meet & do definitive creative visualization of the future. There are factions in the govt & industry who realize this & hope to use it to their ends. The destruction/implosion of Bldg. 7(which housed the nerve centers of the NYPD, CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, AI, etc.) of the WTC under cover of a left alone 'Islamic' Terrorist attack while they stole billions of gold bullion & destroyed their records in the 911 attack. There are Govt agencies who fight wars on the so-called Astral Plane & some conspiratorationalists say there is a Space War going on right now & that Chemtrails are to cover it up, not prevent Global Warming. Who knows what to believe with all the Info pumped at us via the WWW?
However we can still see each of as individuals or families or partners being in a wonderful future environment in our Minds Eye. This is a Free Will Universe no matter your beliefs. The Future cannot be predicted only guessed at because of the natural Spontaneity built into Free Will. If it wasn't there the Universe would stagnate & Entrophy wud take effect. They now know that the Universe is in constant expansion & will not reach a point where it will contract. Too many new 'souls' or stars coming into being. So be Loving. Be Joyful. Be Creative. Be Forgiving. And most of all be thankful that you are an eternal indivisible part of a greater whole, the eyes & ears in our dense dimension of a Benevolent Beingness beyond our wildest Imagination.
Jane Roberts the 20th c. Poet & Novelist who channeled her 'Personality Essence' called 'Seth' had along w/her husband Robert Butts written a dozen or more books (& was probably more responsible than anyone for kickstarting the whole 'New Age' movement & its offshoots) about what this part of her consciousness related. Many Physicists attended her classes to ask Seth questions which later on in Labs were proven. Seth said that "We live in a Safe Universe.", "We Create our own Reality", "The Present is the Point of Power.", "Time is Simultaneous, not Linear, so we can change the Future & the Past but only from the Point of the Expansive Present." among bookloads of other stuff. Seth said he did not want to start a "Cult" or be regarded as any kind of Messiah, as though no longer embodied he was equal to us & we all to the tiniest particle wave of consciousness. He just wanted to help along a change in our consciousness to help us thru what was coming. His only prediction in all the books was that our planet would not be destroyed & that the 21st c. would show constant improvement if we wished & that by 2075 we would have a amazing planet beyond our wildest dreams. My favorite quote is his response to someone concerning a quote above: "I said "We live in a Safe Universe". I didn't say it was Perfect."
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